Dr. Richard T. MacDowell, 1st Vice-President and Physician; Norman S. Rice, Historian/Librarian; Bruce Newell, President; William S. Burke, 2nd Vice-President; Patrick Foy, Retiring President.
Our Society observed St. Andrew’s Day on November 30 with its traditional St. Andrew’s Nicht celebration. An hour of fellowship was held at the Society’s home, The Rooms, followed by the parade to the Fort Orange Club for dinner. The parade was preceded by a piper followed by the flag of the United States and the Saltire. An enthusiastic and entertaining Ode to the Haggis was presented and then the Haggis was served with the traditional neeps and tatties. Following dinner the Society members and their guests were entertained by Ms. Lesley Craigie, soprano, presenting Scottish folk songs. The evening was concluded with the installation of the 2015-2016 officers. A special thanks to out-going President Patrick Foy for his dedicated service. The Society is all the better for his efforts.
(Submitted by Bruce Newell)