President’s Newsletter – November 2017

Volume 38, No. 5, November 2017


Greetings Gentlemen of the Society:
Membership News: It is with deep regret that we learned of the death of Roger Creighton, past president of the Society. Roger had been living in California near his family, and his funeral is scheduled for December 2 with a 9:30 am interment at Albany Rural Cemetery. Meet at the south entrance of the cemetery. 11:00 am memorial service will be at Delmar Reformed Church, 386 Delaware Avenue, Delmar. A reception will follow. Memorial gifts to the Creighton Foundation for the Preservation of Scottish Monuments in the City of Albany may be sent to our treasurer. Members are encouraged to wear Highland Dress.

Recent Activities: The Officers’ Barbeque was held on September 14, and was lightly attended. There were about 15 members present. On Sunday, October 15 Westminster Presbyterian Church hosted the Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan. The Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan celebrates the Scottish roots of the Presbyterian heritage, and the sermon, “The Thundering Scot,” was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Earl Johnson. Gordie Peters led the Pipes and Drums, playing outside before the service, and leading the parade of banners into and through the aisles of the church. The tartan banners represent some of the families or friends of Westminster with Scottish heritage. The congregation was treated to refreshments afterwards in the church hall. Thanks to Valerie Shanley for her efforts in this celebratory service.

Nominating Committee Report

News from the Nominating Committee: (This note was written by the nominating committee and inserted here) The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce its slate of nominees for 2017-2018. Our current Officers have agreed to be placed in nomination for the coming year. We are presenting Dr. Richard MacDowell as our nominee for the Office of President. Richard who joined the Society in 2000 knows the Society well and has served as 2nd Vice President and then 1st vice President for a total of four years. He comes to the Office of President with many ideas for the future of the Society.

Our 2nd Vice President, William Burke will move to 1st Vice President and Andrew Patterson will leave the Board of Managers in order to serve as 2nd Vice President.

We thank Charles Brown, Frank Alguire, Nixon McMillan and Norman Rice who have served the Society with efficiency and dedication for their willingness to continue in their offices.

The full slate is shown below, but we want to share some information about our work. The Nominating Committee established a policy whereby members of the Board of Managers who have served six years will retire from office. Brian McCandless and Willard Bruce have met that limit and we thank them for their dedicated service on the Board of Managers and look forward to them serving the Society in other ways in the future.

We are pleased that Gordon Peters who does double duty as Piper to the Society and member of the Board of Managers has agreed to continue as Piper to the Society and to stand for reelection to the Board.

Other nominees for the Board of Managers are John (Jack) Fenimore who is currently serving on the Board and new members Patrick Foy, Peter McLetchie and Joseph Shook.

We appreciate James Robert Burns’ willingness to continue to serve as our Armorer.

The election will be held at the stated meeting of the Society on November 9. The officers will be installed in office at the St. Andrew’s Nicht dinner on November 30.

President – Richard MacDowell
1st Vice President – William Burke
2nd Vice President – Andrew Patterson
Secretary – Frank Alguire
Treasurer – Charles Brown
Librarian / Historian – Norman Rice
Physician – Richard MacDowell
Chaplain – Nixon McMillan

Board of Managers:
John Fenimore
Patrick Foy
Gordon Peters
Peter McLetchie
Joseph Shook

The President and Treasurer of the Society are ex-officio with vote.
Submitted by the Nominating Committee, October 2017

Future Events

Sunday October 29, Remembrance Day at Albany Rural Cemetery
Thursday Nov 9, Regular meeting and election of officers
Thursday Nov 30 St. Andrew’s Nicht
Sunday Dec 10 Christmas Party at the rooms
Saturday March 11, 2018 St.Patrick’s Day luncheon
Date unknown Past Presidents’ Dinner
Saturday June 18, 2018 Scots Day at Ticonderoga
Saturday Sept. 2, 2018 Capital District Scottish Games at Altamont

Aye yours,

Bruce Newell