As you know from the president’s newsletter and other communications, we are planning our spring picnic. This is set for June 22 starting at 11:00. We are hoping for good weather and a wonderful turnout. Of course, we hope to use the backyard and yard games will be available. This will be a family event so bring the kids. At the recommendation of our non-steward, Mr. Graves, we will be supplying hamburgers and hotdogs along with chips.
This will be a modified potluck event. I would ask that those members whose names end in the letters A through L bring a salad or side dish. Members with last names ending in M through Y should bring a dessert. Please bring whatever you wish to drink.
We also hope to take this opportunity to officially thank those responsible for the donation of our rampant lion. The family and sculptor have been invited along with those who put us on to this wonderful donation which seems to be growing on all of us. It is now a significant part of our backyard.
Dick MacDowell, President