December, 2013
I wish for the each of you a very Merry Christmas and a joyous journey into the 2014 New Year. This time of year reminds us all to be thankful for family, friends, good health and prosperity. It is a time of giving and sharing. You as a member can give to the Society by being an active participant:
- Volunteer your time to serve on a committee. You don’t have to wait to be called. No committee is too large to have to turn anyone away.
- Cultivate ideas for evening programs. Our area is abundant with potential speakers and entertainment. You as members are the best source of this information. Call a Program Committee member with your ideas.
- Suggest ways to save costs.
- Recruit new members and then support them to attend meetings and get involved.
- Provide transportation for older members who no longer drive after dark.
To quote our Past President Joseph Shook, “We are required to alter how we have been doing business.” It is creativity that will bring us successfully into the future. In this new year, I challenge us all to volunteer time to the Society in some manner, no matter how small. Members who have volunteered to be on committees, I thank you!
The Basement Project is progressing. We are waiting for the architectural specs for utilization of the basement as a potential conference center. The architectural specs for a potential rental space is completed. I’m in the process of developing additional funding via a funding service that has been utilized and recommended by the National Trust for Scotland, USA.
The Third Floor Project is continuing. Much has been completed thanks to the House Committee members. It is not our intent for the House Committee to do all of the work. The third floor is a wonderful space with a great deal of potential. The House Committee is relying on you as members to volunteer your expertise and labor at any time. The committee will maintain an ongoing list of tasks to be completed. I will post this list on the member section of the web site. If you complete a task, your name will posted as the member(s) who got that job done. There will also be a minimum of three scheduled weekend member work days in the spring. Please volunteer, even if it is making coffee or baking donuts and cookies!
SAS Web Site –The Constitution of the Society containing the revised articles and new amendments changes formulated by the Past Presidents is now in the ‘members only’ section of the SAS Web Site This will alleviate the need to print booklets, saving costly charges. The Member Roster has been updated and you are able to print your own personal roster booklet. If you do not print your own Fedex, Office Max, and Staples are sources for printing the booklet. Please use the web site, especially the Members Section. If you have a problem accessing it or forget you user Id or password, please contact Rev, Joseph Shook or me.
Committee Assignments for 2014
Board of Managers: Peter McKee, Chairperson; Members: Brian McCandless, Jack Fenimore, J. Alexander Higle, Willard Bruce
House Committee: Richard W. Powell, Ed Lass, Security Officer; Richard Hixon, William Burke, John Scott, Charles Marshall, Kevin Moore.
House Manager: Willard Bruce
Garden Committee: James McPhee, Jack McEneny, Don Macintyre, Charles Marshall
Program Committee: Rich Beach, Jay Higle and members of the Society
Audit Committee: Timothy Thornton, Chairperson; Members: Tom Goodfellow, Willard Bruce
Endowment Committee: Ed McEwan, Chairperson; Members: David Hasso, Peter McLetchie
House Stewards: John Scott, Daniel Graves, William Burke
Web Site Manager: Rev. Dr. Joseph Shook
Malt Tasting Coordinator: Peter McLetchie
The Annual Robert Burns Celebration is scheduled for January 18. Your Reservation was mailed with the Newsletter. Also the Reservation will be emailed. We can only accommodate fifty people in the Rooms, so make your reservations early. It is early this year, due to many members having other previously scheduled commitments.
Book Club – The Book Club continues to be very popular. On December 5th our book club members and Society guests met at the Spectrum to see the movie The Book Thief the book we read for December. The movie was wonderful! Following the movie, we enjoyed a delicious dinner at New World Bistro and then proceeded to the Rooms for desserts, wine, and lively discussion of the book and movie. Thanks to the Shooks for their planning. The month of January we will read The Life and Times of the Thunder Bolt Kid by Bill Bryson. A potluck lunch is planned for January 11 in the rooms. Members and guests are welcome.
Congratulations to Richard Powell II and Lauren on the birth of their daughter Sara Rose on Friday November 16. She was 19 inches and weighted 6 lbs. 8 oz.
I look forward to seeing you at our stated meeting on Thursday January 9 commencing at 7:00. We have several prospective new members to vote on and much to talk about. There will be an Executive Board Meeting commencing at 6:00.
Aye yours,
Patrick D. Foy, President