Volume 36, No. 1
January 2015
Greetings, Gentlemen of the Society:
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends and enjoyed the merriment of Hogmanay!
If you have not sent your dues payment to Treasurer Charles Brown, please do so as soon as possible.
This past year many of our members have been ill, undergone surgeries and treatments, including yours truly. Members Kevin Moore, Matt Farrigan, Donald McIntyre, Edward McEwan, Jim Sinkins and others have been in our thoughts and prayers throughout 2014. Hopefully 2015 will be a healthy year for us and our lassies!
2014 is past and we start a new SAS year of 2015. Goals continued from 2014 include shoring up the infrastructure of the Rooms and new goals include actively participating and supporting our sanctioned Scottish events and related benevolences. We enter 2015 with officers who served in 2014. Thanks to these men, 2014 was a successful year.
We have a terrific website. We have had many people contact us and many individuals and other societies have been impressed with the site. It was how Lesley Craigie found us. This is a valuable tool for you to keep informed of news and up-coming events.
Let’s make 2015 another historic year in the good presence of community and friends.
Aye yours,
Society Members and honored guests enjoyed a wonderful St. Andrew’s Night celebration on December 1st. After a fine reception in our beautiful Rooms we marched to the sound of the pipes down the street to the warmth of the Fort Orange Club. After the introductions, many toasts and the “Ode to the Haggis” by Andrew Patterson, a fine feast was served. We were entertained by the beautiful and talented Scottish soprano Lesley Craigie, who sang many wonderful Scottish songs and ballads. It truly was a night to remember. Thanks to 1st VP Bruce Newell for his wonderful planning and for Past Presidents Peter McLetchie and Reverend Joseph Shook for their assistance. A picture of Lesley is in the News section of our website.
Chairman of Scottish Events, Frank Alguire registered the Society for the 2015 Tartan Day Parade on Saturday, April 11 in New York City. This will guarantee our recognition as we pass the reviewing stand of dignitaries. We are always invited to march after the Saint Andrew’s Society of the State of New York at the beginning of the parade. A wonderful tattoo is held in the evening. So, mark your calendars and plan for grand event.
Past President James McPhee informed us that he and his bonnie lass, Mary, are relocating to the Keystone State. They sold their house in Saratoga Springs and will be living in the Scranton area. Jim said he will remain a resident member for the rest of the year. We will see him at most, if not all, of our major events. Maybe we could put a bed in the third floor guest room for him? His new address will be forthcoming.
At the November 13th Meeting I addressed the Constitutional issue of the admission of women to the Society. Over the years, the question of admitting women to membership in the Society has arisen. Most recently this subject was raised by Helen Sayles, Chairperson of the National Trust for Scotland Foundation USA, when she visited Albany last summer. I asked the Past Presidents if they would review this issue. They graciously accepted the assignment and are now compiling information obtained by surveying other Societies. They will report their findings and any recommendations to me in the spring.
Congratulations are in order to Helen E. R. Sayles, Chairperson of the National Trust for Scotland Foundation USA and Co-Founder of the Saltire Foundation of the UK. Helen was personally awarded a Commander of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II this past June for her services in the Development of Scottish Companies.
Thursday, January 8th Regular Stated Meeting – Simon Erskine Locke, a board member of the American- Scottish Foundation (www.americanscottishfoundation.com), will join us on January 8 to discuss the unique role of the ASF as a bridge between the U.S. and Scotland through social, cultural, educational and business activities. He will provide an overview of the organization’s history, events and membership, share information about upcoming events.
Saturday, January 24th Burns Night – Our Burns Night will be held at Yono’s Restaurant, 25 Chapel Street, Albany, NY. The cocktail hour begins at 6:00 PM and the Burns Supper begins at 7:00 PM. The cost for members and guests is $55 per person. Cash bar. A silent auction will be held. Please bring items and your checkbook for bidding. Members unable to attend who would like to contribute to the silent auction may bring items to 2nd VP, Dr. MacDowell at the January 8th meeting. A fun night is in store. The announcement for this event is attached.
Please note that Joe Shook updated the membership roster on our website after the last meeting. The most recent roster changes appear below. All except Jim Shanley’s new email address made it into the last update.
New Members (Resident):
F. Peter Ford (Thelma) 19 Nott Road, Rexford, NY 12148
h: (518) 399-3264 c: (518) 496-1840 email: fpctford@aol.com
John J. Miles (Susanne) 167 Imperial Avenue, Bennington, VT 05201
h: (802) 681-7988 b: (802) 447-4604 c: (910) 546-8784 email: jjmusmc05@gmail.com
New Member (Non-Resident):
Jeffrey B. Clark (Ann) 284 Slater Avenue, Providence, RI 02906
h: (401) 258-1152 b: (401) 739-3450 c: (401) 258-1152 email: jbc131@aol.com
Richard W. Powell – New Address
19 Greyledge Drive, Loudonville, NY 12211
James H. Shanley – New Email Address
Remove from the Roster:
Eric Benson
Bryon McKim
David Rowley
Mark Steven