Volume 37, No. 4, September 2016
Greetings Gentlemen of the Society:
Welcome back after a busy summer, during which we had jobs to go to and places to see. I would like to thank those who worked on the gardens and the house during this time, especially J. Alexander Higle, Chairman of the Garden Committee, and his multiple committee members as well as Richard Hixon, Chairman of the House Committee; Charles Marshall and Ken Kuck. We had trouble during the summer with a water alarm in the house around the water heater and that issue has been resolved.
The House Committee is working on a security issue. Charles Marshall is verifying ownership of keys to the House and password access. Members are requested to respond to Charles.
Frank Alguire, Bruce Newell, Richard Hixon and J. Alexander Higle traveled to Fort Ticonderoga for ceremonies there in June.
Our Society participated in Historic Albany Foundation’s 2016 House and Garden Tour on June 23. The Rooms and garden were open to visitors. We were one of a dozen or so homes on the tour that were open for those who purchased tickets for the event. Over 230 people toured the rooms between 5 and 8 pm. It was a good way to support another historic minded Albany not- for- profit; welcome community members to see our historic facility; and showcase the many historic Scottish artifacts and museum quality pieces that we are lucky to have in our possession. Thanks to members and volunteers who served as docents and welcomed and entertained our guests, including Pat and Cheryl Foy, Frank Alguire, Rich Hixon, Brian McCandless, Willard Bruce, Dan Nerenberg, Wendy Allen, Christy Limniatis and Thad Rutherford. Thanks also to Gordie Peters and the garden committee for their work making the garden presentable for the tour.
The President’s Tea was held on July 10 at the home of the Newells and was well attended. We hope to see everyone again next year.
I would encourage all members to attend our September 8th meeting in order to vote on an amendment to change the constitutional requirement for the number of members required to make a quorum. This amendment has been presented to the membership and to the Board of Managers. We have been unable to pass agreements because of our inability to have the needed numbers of people present to create a quorum under the present rules. A letter has been mailed to all members reminding them of the constitutional amendment vote. The amendment is debatable but not amendable.
The credentials committee had a number of other items to bring forth, as follows:
1. Mr. McPhee has requested a move from resident member to non-resident, accepted without objection.
2. Mr. Powell, who has moved from the area, has sent in non-resident dues, so while no official request, is considered moved from resident to non-resident with no objection.
3. Mr. Miles has moved to Florida, and with no communication, a motion to terminate his membership was made by Revered Shook, with second from Reverend McMillan, and unanimously approved.
4. A request from Mr. McKee to resign was accepted with regret. Reverend Shook moved to accept the resignation, with Mr. Ford seconding. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Stephen King was formally accepted by the members as a new member.
Future Events
The next malt tasting is scheduled for August 23 at 7pm.
The Capital District Scottish Games will be held on September 3rd and 4th, rain or shine. Any questions or suggestions, please contact Frank Alguire at frank.alguire@gmail.com.
Officers BBQ Sept 8, 2016 @ 6PM in the rooms. Stated meeting follows at 7PM. All members are invited. If you plan to attend please RSVP to Richard MacDowell so that we may purchase and prepare the proper amount of food and beverages.
Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan is scheduled for September 11 at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Westminster is located at 262 State Street, between Dove and Swan. Parking is behind the church at 85 Chestnut Street. If you would like to participate in this, contact Valerie Shanley at Vshanley@nycap.rr.com.
St. Andrew’s Nicht, Wednesday, November 30, 2016. Event will start with hors d’oeuvres and cocktails at the rooms starting at 6PM. Parade to the Fort Orange Club will start at 7:10PM.
Check our website for the latest Society news and information.