It has been busy around The Rooms since the beginning of the new year. The third floor project has been moving forward and will be completed by the time of the March meeting.& Thanks to all for their help in choosing paint and carpet designs. Our Burns’ Night was a great success thanks to the planning and work of our Vice Presidents. We enjoyed a delicious dinner, honored Burns with readings, and raised a good sum for the general fund by the silent auction. We enjoyed the usual Scottish conviviality at our January malt tasting. Thanks to the presenters who shared stories and the taste of two interesting malts. On February 2, along with the National Trust for Scotland (USA) and the Albany Institute of History and Art, we sponsored a presentation at the Institute on Jewels of Scandal and Country Houses by Curt DiCamillo, former executive director of the National Trust. A group attended a performance of the Black Watch Pipe Band at Proctor’s in Schenectady on February 1 and gathered for dinner prior to the performance.
A generous gift has made it possible for us to contract with an architect to evaulate the ground floor to determine how the space might be used. The gift was designated for that purpose. The results of the study will be presented to the membership.
There has been a discussion about the 8:00 o’clock beginning time of our stated meetings. While the Constitution specifies the dates of the meetings, the time is at the convenience of the membership. That discussion will be added to the agenda of the May meeting.
The March stated meeting is traditionally Ladies Night. We have a very special program lined up for the evening. The recipient of the Tunnicliffe Foundation award will receive the award and present a program of Scottish Dance. Our Stewards are planning very special refreshments for the evening. Highland dress is encouraged.