At the May meeting, the architect presented a preliminary report on the condition of the building and some possible changes to the ground floor that would make the area more usable. We are expecting a more complete report in the next month. We will then fine-tune it before it is submitted to the membership.
The Highland Games were held August 31 and September 1 at the Altamont Fair Grounds. It was well attended by members of the Society who maintained our tent and stood ready to answer questions about the Society and its activities.
We enjoyed a malt-tasting on July 13. We appreciated our neighbor, the Fort Orange Club, for inviting us to use its space for the evening. We are currently working on our malt-tasting schedule for the fall and winter months.
We were well represented at the Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan at Westminster Presbyterian Church on September 8. We thank the Session and Staff of Westminster for holding the service and including us. Of course, we acknowedged that several of the Society members are also members at Westminster.
Our Book Club continues to enjoy its evenings of book discussions and are looking forward to an evening with Mr. Joseph Persico, a local author who has written several books on Franklin Roosevelt, the latest being, Roosevelt’s Centurions, published in May.
The Society received as a Non-Resident member the grandson of one of our Past Presidents at the September meeting.
The fall is promising to be a busy season as always, with the Remembrance Day Observance in October and the election of officers in November followed by their installation to office in early December.
Culloden Pathway
Our Society contributed to the Culloden Pathway on the grounds of the Culloden Battlefield and Visitor Center. Our stone is shown installed in the pathway.