Volume 36, No. 2

March 2015

Greetings, Gentlemen of the Society:

It was with sadness that I reported the passing of our dear Elma McLetchie.  Three weeks after reconnecting with my Lassie Cheryl in 2001, Cheryl took me to the Scottish Games in Altamont. The first person I met was Elma. She was hard at work in the concession tent serving meat pies. Elma was famous for her shortbread. She was always concerned about others. We will all miss her.

We wish Ed McEwan a speedy recovery. Ed is doing well after suffering a mild stroke. Spence Ryan is home after having surgery on his back. Jay Higle underwent a successful hip replacement. Please keep these members and all others who are recovering from illness or surgery in your prayers.

I hope spring arrives soon. Dick Powell, Chairperson of the House Committee, mentioned that he is planning jobs and tasks for several workdays.

Garden Committee – We have three vacancies on the Garden Committee. Three additional members are needed to bring the committee to five members. Current members are Jack McEneney and Charlie Marshall. As you know other members often volunteer to help with beautifying of our treasured garden. Even the Committee meetings are fun! I would like to have another Port Wine and Garden Gala in early June. The Garden Committee made this a big success last year. Several years ago we opened the Rooms to the House and Garden Tour. I’ve been in contact with a Co-Chair of the Tour and she has invited us to participate on Thursday June 25th 5–8:00 pm — a wonderful event to consider doing!

Proud Parents I – Andrew and Sarah Patterson announced that Christopher Ian was born on Christmas morning December 25 at 7:00 am with a weight of 7lbs. 6oz. Andy and Sarah now have two potential SAS members in maybe 2040?

Proud Parents II – Tim and Karen Thornton announced that Matt and Katie Thornton are the proud parents of Blair Love born on January 29 at 3:27 am. She weighed 7 lbs. 5oz. Siblings Francesca and Lilian are thrilled with this little addition to their sisterhood.

Admission of Women as Members in the Society – For those members not present at the January meeting, the Past Presidents submitted to me their report of findings and responses from other societies prior to the January meeting.  As President, I will submit the findings and proposed amendments to the Board of Managers who will review them and bring their recommendations to the membership in accordance with Article 27 of the Constitution, either to support or not to support the proposed amendments.  The general membership will vote on each of the amendments at the May meeting.

New Boiler – After 24 years our boiler cracked open on January 7th, bled out and died. It was non-repairable. A new boiler was installed. It is an exact match to the one that was there — a Well-McClain 300,000 BTU input steam boiler. The matched unit saved thousands of dollars by using our existing water pipes. Also installed in the basement were two water sensors along with the existing low temperature sensor through the alarm company. During the January 8 meeting at 48 degrees the new boiler bore life at 8:15 pm and by 9:30 pm the Rooms were toasty at 68 degrees.  After several wee drams it felt like 75 degrees. Thanks to Joe Shook, Dick Powell, Peter McKee and Bill Bruce for their quick responses and their time babysitting the Rooms.

Website – There have been several new items added to our SAS website. We now have links to the Glasgow Herald newspaper, the Inverness Courier newspaper and the Scotsman. The news in these newspapers is quite interesting. There is a new link for malts, as well.

Presenters of the Malt – Thanks to Reverend Nixon McMillan and Charles Marshall for presenting two fine malts on February 17. Filling in for Peter McLetchie, our Malt Master was Charles Brown. Charlie reported that it was splendid event. The library fireplace and wee drams kept everyone warm.

New Member – We welcome our newest member, James MacNaughton of Albany voted in at our January meeting.  Fellow members, please introduce yourselves to Jim at our Ladies Night.

Aye yours,



The Annual Ladies Night will be held on Thursday, March 12 commencing at 7:00 pm. Our special guest speaker is Helen Sayles, Chairman of the Board of the National Trust for Scotland Foundation USA. Helen will tell us what is new with the NTFS and bring her CBE medal that was given her by the Queen.

Tartan Day Parade, NYC – We hope to have a large contingent of members join us for the Tartan Day Parade, Saturday April 11, in Manhattan.  The parade starts at West 45th Street at 6th Avenue and goes to 55th Street.  Line-up is at 1 pm, and the parade starts at 2 pm.  It is easy to travel down in the morning and return in the evening.  A number of us stay overnight and attend the Tartan festivities in the evening.  For information contact Frank Alguire, our Scottish Events Chair, at or 526-2161.


New Member (Resident):
James Muir MacNaughton  (Maureen)
4 Forest Avenue, Albany, NY 12208
h: (518) 258-8933
b: (518) 274-9232
c: (518) 258-8933

Charles Brown – New Address and Phone Numbers
24 Fairway Court, Voorheesville, NY 12186
h:  (518) 655-0030      c: (518) 852-0347

Please continue to direct Society mail to Charlie at:

Charles Brown, CFA
Hugh Johnson Advisors
80 State Street, 4th Floor
Albany, NY 12207

Matthew Thornton – New Email Address

Remove from the Roster:
Matthew Farrigan