President’s Newsletter – May 2017

Volume 38, No. 3, May 2017


Greetings Gentlemen of the Society:

Membership News:  William Stephen Burke has been selected as the 2017 Commissioner of the year by the Clan Campbell Society. He was recognized for his work to memorialize Major Dungan Campbell of Inverawe. The dedication will take place on June 16, 2017 at 1 PM at the Old Fort House in Fort Edward NY.

Committee business: I appointed a Special Committee on Membership on March 23. These are the details of the responsibilities of the Committee: The Committee membership is composed of Peter McLetchie, Gordon Peters and Joseph Shook. The Committee is to review four areas of concern pertaining to Society membership: Admission of New Members; Assimilation of Members; Delinquent Dues Collection; and Communication in the Life of the Society. The Committee will report to me by November 30 when it will then be dissolved. The report will be handed to the incoming President

New members have been assigned to the Cemetery Committee. They are Ken Kuck, Rev. Joseph Shook and Peter McLetchie. They will work with Chairman James Burns.

Recent activities: On March 11 2017, we celebrated St Patrick’s Day at The Rooms. The weather was bitterly cold and the few brave marchers moved very quickly to get back inside where it was warm.  Dan prepared a delicious table and those of us brave enough to venture out enjoyed the great corned beef dinner and a good visit with Society members and their guests.

On Thursday April 20th, we hosted a slide presentation on the life and times of David Cunningham Lithgow. The presentation was written and presented by Randy Patten and Robert Mulligan. David was a past president of the society as well as an accomplished sculptor, painter, muralist, architectural designer and book illustrator. His great granddaughter, Valerie Lloyd has donated to the Society a sea scape painting done by David. It will be a nice addition to our collection of Lithgow paintings and murals. (See the article on the General News page.)

We had a good turnout for the event, with a total of 40 members and quests.  Many went up to the wee kitchen to partake of refreshments and socialize with others. Thank you to all who participated.

Future events

Garden Committee clean-up day May 20, 2017 at 10:00. Bring gloves and bags.
Past Presidents’ Dinner May19, 2017.
Major Duncan Campbell Memorial June 16, 2017
Ticonderoga Day June 17, 2017.
Presidents Tea the Newells July 16, 2017
Scottish Games Altamont September 2, 2017
Kirken o the tartan October 10, 2017 Tentative per Valerie Shanley
Remembrance Day at Albany Rural Cemetery
Christmas party at the rooms Dec. 10, 2017

Aye yours,
Bruce Newell, President