The next meeting of the Society will be on the evening of Thursday, September 12th at 7 p.m. at the Rooms, consistent with the Society’s bylaws.
This will be the annual officers barbecue. Usually this is a short meeting followed by good eating, drinking, and comradeship. This year we do have a number of issues that need to be addressed so we will need to spend a little bit more time for the formal program. Our treasurer, Charlie Brown, has proposed an amendment to the Constitution relating to dues. This has previously been presented to the membership however, as per the Constitution, it will need to be formally read at that meeting. It will then be presented to the board of managers for their comments and voted upon by a quorum at the November stated meeting. We have also asked the representative of the construction company working on the building next door to come and talk to us about their plans. You may also know that the rooms fall within an area that is proposed to be designated as a historic neighborhood. We have also requested someone from the city to be there at that meeting to discuss the implications of that action to the society and the rooms.
Please make every effort to attend since at these meetings we need a quorum.
Article 10 THE STATED MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY The Society shall hold five meetings in each year, to wit: on the second Thursday of the months of January, March, May, September and November, the last of which shall be the Annual Meeting. The President, or, in his absence, the officer highest in rank who may be present, shall appoint the place of meeting in the City of Albany. The Secretary shall give due notice thereof to the Resident Members and twenty percent (20%) of the Resident Membership shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. At all meetings the names of members present shall be recorded.