Category: News 2015-2024
Tahawus Excursion – Aug. 5th, 2023
Dear Society Members, Friends, and Family August 5th has already been announced as the date for a day trip to this fascinating Adirondack historic site (see link below) that belonged to our founding member, first Secretary, and early President, Archibald McIntyre. The tour will be led by our Librarian/Historian, Bill Bruce. Here are…
Our Recent Guest Speaker Mac Dillman, Empire Throwing Club Scottish Games Training Day

Spectrum News recently featured an interview with Mac about the Empire Throwing Club Scottish Games Training Day coming up this Saturday, July 29 from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM at Kelley Park, Ralph St. Ballston Spa, NY 12020. View the interview here! Spectrum Local News Empire-Throwing-Club-hosts-Scottish-games-training-day This is a great opportunity for local folks to…
Saturday, June 3rd – First Annual Breadalbane Highland Gathering and Games!
Third Stated Meeting of the Society for 2023 – Thursday, May 11th at 7pm
Did You Know?
SAS Christmas Party
Sunday, Dec. 18th – 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Members, Ladies and Guests are cordially invited to attend the St. Andrew’s Society of Albany Christmas Celebration at the Society’s rooms, 150 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY. Pot luck menu! Everyone is encouraged to bring a beverage to share.
Cemetery Walk and Garden Gala – Join us Oct. 17th!
Dear Society Members, We hope you, your wives, and your guests will join us for two back to back events on Sunday October 17th. First, at 2PM, we will meet at the St. Andrew’s plot at Albany Rural Cemetery for a walking tour of impressive monuments of Society past Presidents…
Society BBQ and Regular Meeting – September 9th, 2021
Thursday, September 9th – BBQ 6pm, Regular Meeting 7pm.
St. Andrews Nicht – November 30th, 2021
Join us! Reception at the Rooms 6pm, Dinner at Fort Orange Club 7:30pm.